Zodiac Quiz

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#1 Water signs include all but?
#2 Gemini is a _______ type of sign?.
#3 Chinese Zodiac signs are reliable and provide accurate information to base your life off of?
#4 There are _____ elements that are related to Chinese Zodiac signs.
#5 There are _____ Chinese Zodiac signs.
#6 The sign that represents Jul 7 - Jul 22 is?
#7 The Chinese Zodiac sign that most closely represents the animal of USF (Bull) is?
#8 The Chinese Zodiac sign that falls between December 22 - January 19 is?
#9 The Chinese Zodiac animal pig, which is one of the lucky numbers?
#10 The Chinese Zodiac Rat does not match with?
#11 The Chinese Zodiac for the day Sunday is ______?


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